Product Owners: Adopt an Agile Attitude


A product management group is agile when it frequently and continuously

delivers high-quality offerings that delight its customers.


We perceive Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Netflix as Agile.

We perceive GE, GM, Sears, Sprint, and Western Union as NOT Agile.

Interestingly, the former average yearly growth of well in excess of 20%,

while the latter struggle to maintain their sales. Wanna grow? Get agile.


Agile is about:

  • Delighting customers;
  • Delivering products frequently & continuously that are end-user ready and keep getting better;
  • Deploying high quality products that operate intuitively and are defect free; and
  • Developing significant new business value for the organization.

So, Mr./Ms. Product Owner, here’s the test – answer YES or NO to each:

  1. Are your customers delighted by your products?
  2. Have you improved the product suite in the last month?
  3. Are your products intuitive to use and defect-free?
  4. Do your products continue to add significant value to your business?

When you can answer YES to each and every question

your group achieves DYNAMO status ….

It’s hard but it’s worth it!


Written by 

With 55 years of full time business experience and more formal education that the top .1% of America, Joe is our mix of Yoda, Bill Belichick and Cosmo Kramer. Joe leverages an incredible network of contacts in computing, telecommunications, financial systems, and human resources – each field in which he has college degree. Joe has served as a senior executive in 4 major corporations, and aspires to earn his 5th college degree (a Doctorate in Computer Science) in 2018.

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